+254 735 204 519 info@www.conquestadventures.co.ke
+254 735 204 519 info@www.conquestadventures.co.ke


We aim to organize and provide quality, informative, and enjoyable nature experiences for beautiful and exciting destinations in Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania. We offer many exciting birding &wildlife tours in East Africa. Book the best birdwatching safaris led by local professional guides, across Kenya Tanzania, and Uganda.


Southern Tanzania Birding Tour (Nyerere National Park and Pugu Hills) Tour Report

Bird Guide Isaac Kilusu Clients: Javier Cotin and Lucho Verdesoto both from Lindblad Expeditions eBird Report: https://ebird.org/tripreport/220692 Tour Pace &Style: Tailor-made Birding Tour Top Ten Birds: Golden-tailed Woodpecker, Ruvu Weaver, Green Malkoha, Fasciated Snake Eagle, Dwarf Bittern, Swallow-tailed Bee-eater, Bohm’s Bee-eater, Reichenow’s Woodpecker, Dickinson’s Kestrel, and Zanzibar Boubou This was a short planned birding tour,...
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Birdwatching Uganda safaris

Uganda, Albertine Rift Birding Tour Report

The Albertine Rift in Western Uganda includes several wonderful National Parks, full of forest birds you would only find in the far west of the African continent, such as the MAXWELL’S BLACK WEAVER, the HANDSOME SPURFOWL and many more. The Albertine Rift also has its own (23) endemic species, of which we saw 20. As...
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Birdwatching safaris kenya

Global Birding Day—13th May 2023

Are you a nature lover, outdoor enthusiast .Be a part of birding's biggest team! Global Big Day is an annual celebration of the birds around you. No matter where you are, join us virtually on 13 May, help celebrate World Migratory Bird Day, and share the birds you find with
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Best Birding tours

Best Birding Places in Nairobi

Nairobi is an incredible birdy destination; most of the birding adventures in Kenya start or end in Nairobi. It has an array of hotspots that supports more mega-charismatic and glamorous bird species, places where you just walk, drive, cycle, or  sit on a bench, and birds start presenting themselves in rapid sequence
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Sabaki River Estuary_Birdwatching

Lake Naivasha Birding Tour

With an abundance in wildlife and birdlife alike, and being just over an hour away from Nairobi, it’s no wonder why Lake Naivasha is so popular. A birding tour to this lake is a must! 
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